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Sarah Brennan

Sarah Brennan

Associate Director for Oil and Gas

Sarah Brennan works on the Funder Collaborative on Oil & Gas, a project of the Rockefeller Family Fund. From 2019-2022, she ran Bloomberg Philanthropies’ Beyond Carbon campaign. Previously, Sarah spent seven years leading the Robertson Foundation’s environmental grantmaking, expanding the portfolio to include long-term support for a number of new areas, including methane leakage from gas infrastructure and restrictions on fossil fuel leasing on public lands. Earlier in her career, Sarah worked at the Earth Institute at Columbia University. She has also served as an economic consultant to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, was a case-writer at the Harvard Business School and is on the board of the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis. Sarah holds a A.B. magna cum laude in History and Public Policy from Brown University, an MPP from the Harvard Kennedy School, and an MBA from Columbia University.

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