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Our Model of Collaboration

Collaboration is at the heart of the Rockefeller Family Fund’s approach.

As a hybrid of two very distinct models, RFF combines a traditional foundation with a nimble advocacy organization that collaborates with others to build and implement complex initiatives that can drive social change.

RFF’s staff of issue experts and strategists partner with national and state-based organizations, leaders, experts, and aligned funders to limit climate change and hold polluters accountable, build and sustain multiracial democracy in the United States, and promote economic equity for women.

We are collaborative and pragmatic in seeking a path to victory. Our expertise and nationwide networks help our staff recognize shifts, create new opportunities, and develop funding and advocacy partnerships to create and support innovative and effective strategies.

A trademark of the RFF model is risk tolerance. RFF’s staff and board are willing to seed innovative efforts, take the heat off funders who don’t want to be exposed to backlash in today’s contentious political environment, and support projects no one else is trying. Because of our experience with experimental efforts, we are able to learn faster, seeing what does and doesn’t work.

Our Collaborators

Grantee Process

The Rockefeller Family Fund makes grants in three key program areas: Climate, Democracy, and Economic Justice for Women. Within these program areas, RFF provides support for advocacy efforts that are action-oriented and likely to lead to policies that advance RFF’s programs, or to create tangible change in the public or private sector.

RFF does not accept unsolicited proposals or letters of inquiry. We often identify new grantees from within our larger networks of partners and allies. We believe in preserving organizations’ time by soliciting proposals only after we conclude that an organization has a reasonable opportunity of receiving a grant.

While we do not consider unsolicited proposals, we are always open to learning about the creative and effective work of organizations aligned with RFF’s programmatic goals. If you would like to make RFF staff aware of your organization and its programs, please send us an email with a brief description of the relevant information to

To learn more about RFF's grantmaking programs, please reach out to Andy Fite (, Senior Grants Management Associate.

Rockefeller Family Fund is a U.S.-based, family-led public charity that initiates, cultivates, and funds strategic efforts to promote a sustainable, just, free, and participatory society.